Reviews of SMB/Samba Server Pro

List of user reviews and ratings for SMB/Samba Server Pro

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 19)
See reviews for SMB/Samba Server Pro on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.86

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Date Author Rating Comment
Chalermpol Punjatep
Unable to set the discoverable name, unable to assign accessable folders for each user. For my use case, it's better than copying files on a flash drive manually, but not much better.
Kevin Reems
Paid for Pro but nothing was unlocked
Philip W
Is this server slow? After using it for over a year. Now I can give you the answer with confident: No, it's Android's buggy hot-spot that causes the problem. The new Android 13 is even worse, because it will force-shutdown the connection if it cannot detect any Internet in 5 minutes. The solution is using NetShare. By combining SMB Server + NetShare, now I finally have fast and reliable wifi sharing with my phone! I can comfortably stream 4k videos to my Quest 2 without worrying any slow down.
If you buying pro version for OTG USB share it will not help because it cannot mounts usb device connected to the phone throughout OTG usb unless it is a micro sd card.
Byron Reagles
Does one thing and does it well. Hosts Samba shares.