Reviews of ACE Library

List of user reviews and ratings for ACE Library

Total ratings

1.65 (Rating count: 265)

Review summary

    • App frequently freezes or crashes
    • Poor zoom and navigation functionality
    • Difficulty logging in or accessing downloaded books
    • Design is user unfriendly and outdated
    • Lack of essential features like a bookmarking system
    Most mentioned
    • App crashes or freezes after recent updates
    • Zooming in on text makes navigation impossible
    • Users struggle with login issues and accessing their purchased content
    • Overall frustrating user experience due to poor design and performance
    • Several users suggest the need for improvement and new features like Text to Speech
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for ACE Library on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 1.65
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    E. S.
    I can't believe I just paid $150 for this mess!!! This ebook is not user friendly at all, it is very clumsy!!! I have it on my laptop, AND on my phone... and it's Horrible trying to read it!!! If you guys don't get somebody to fix this, I will NEVER buy another thing from you again!!!
    Chanty Alicea
    The letters are super small and when you try to zoom in it won't let you move the page so it's imposible to read the whole page. Makes reading any of the study material extremely stressful. Do better ACE, we paid to be able to have this service.
    Sherman C.
    After the update, I can no longer can use the app. It freezes, I can't use any of my books, and when I uninstalled and reinstalled, I now can't even log in.
    Clay Fu
    The lastest update has rendered this app useless. I have a note 10 and cant open my books on it and all the menus keep freezing. I uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck.
    Dirk French
    poorly designed reader. once zoomed no ability to pan without resizing. same for page turn. no last page read bookmark. app and downloads cannot run/reside on SD vs. internal storage. for the price charged for courses some investment in a better e experience is warranted.
    Varun Antony
    I've called and sent mail regarding the error I was getting saying "Cannot unzip edition".."please contact technical support". No resolution was provided. I'm losing my valuable time while I'm unable to access my study material.
    Gina Miller
    Was enjoying the app for awhile but now nothing opens up when you click on it. Tried to read my downloads and they won't pull up. Tried to click help and settings but nothing happened.
    Hidaet Mehmed
    There is a text like "Do not reproduce" right on the every single pages that makes it difficult to read. It's non sense. We have to use the app to read it but app doesn't work properly and even tho if you download the app and the books you can't still read the books...
    Matthew Shih
    Paying hundreds and trying to carry less while traveling out. Didnt know this app was so hard to use! It kept crashing while reading a page and it automatically resumed to homescreen. Where is the engineer?
    A Google user
    Opening the app shows all books, just not books that I have purchased so I waste time by scrolling through the list just to get to the correct book. When selecting the book to read it does not go to where I left off. No option to increase the font or how to view the pages like on an E-reader. Page view behaves more like a pdf than an ebook format, by zooming in and having to scroll left and right and top to bottom just to view a sentence. Don't buy digital books from this company.
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