Chinese Chess / Co Tuong

Action Chinese Chess - Co Tuong Online & Offline, Co Up, Dark Chess, Puzzles.

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 7,307)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good design of pieces and boards
  • Challenging puzzles that help improve skills
  • User-friendly interface
  • Various game modes including online play and puzzles
  • Difficulty of the bot is too high for beginners
  • Issues with online connection and matchmaking
  • Lack of hints or solutions for endgame puzzles
  • App sometimes hangs or gets stuck
Most mentioned
  • Problems with connecting to online play
  • Challenging gameplay and AI difficulty
  • Request for hints in puzzles
  • Developer unresponsiveness to feedback
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
Thinh Pham
I am experiencing with these board games' somehow it is difficult and tough game when playing against the computerised system that's somewhat I couldn't exceed the third stage...
Thinh Pham
My experiencing with these high quality so called Asian Chess are as of such still an Amateur when competes against the logic computerized software in build...
Humpty Dumpty
The app is quite good! Especially I like design of the pieces and boards! The puzzles are hard enough and you feel really happy when you solve them!.. There are things that I don't like ... In my opinion the bot is too strong least for not Chinese people that play xianqi since their childhood... :) In common I would like to see something like shogiwars...
Chang Ming
Good app except two problems. (1) Never implement stop chasing the same seed. Should disallow computer or human to stop doing it after 3 times. (2) Once in while program hangs.
stan lee
Recently very bad , can't connect with the opponent, and always play untill half way , the time show waiting for the opponent but later time up lose will be me ....last time is very good this app , but now is bad of the bad app
Jovan Chin
Excellent game of chinese chess!! I would strongly recommend this app to my friends and family around me. This app is very user- friendly where you can battle with a conputer, online and even have puzzles which makes you think, this helps an enthusiasts of chinese chess like me to grow more passionate abt this game! Overall, an awesome app that i'll recommend to those around me😀
James Alexander Cairney
I really like this one, from its clean looks to its excellent little puzzle mode (where can I find solutions to puzzles that I can't solve?) I'm not good enough for online play yet, but the puzzles should really help me... I'm sure it's as good as the rest...I'll come and report back. Lovely little app... I even paid to kill the ads.
Bailey Pridmore
great program, however the lack of hints or solutions in the endgame puzzles is incredibly frustrating. also, an option to disable hints on the 10 level mode would be nice too. I'm also unable to connect to online play in the US.
Majin Buu
App stuck when open... Waiting to launch is a felt forever... Please include tutorial how to play for beginners next time..
tim liew
This was put on review since 2018, till now no response. Need to check why when on certain internet connection cannot connect to game table. Could be server settings. Please sort it out. Mystery chess need to give players the right to know what they have captured as this is what players do on manual play. Also the covered shi must be able to move out of palace anytime.
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