Solar System Scope

Explore, Discover and Play with the Solar System and Outer Space

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 145,133)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Detailed graphics and realism of the solar system
  • Educational tool that sparks curiosity about space
  • User-friendly interface suitable for beginners
  • Interactive experience with the ability to explore celestial bodies
  • Ability to manipulate time and see celestial objects' positions at different dates
  • Inaccurate positioning in night sky view mode
  • Limited detail for more advanced users
  • Desire for more planets, stars, and galaxies to be included
  • Need for expansion in educational content for celestial bodies
  • Some features, like zoom levels and realistic views, are lacking
Most mentioned
  • Graphics and visual detail
  • Educational value and curiosity it provokes
  • Limitations in zooming and depth of information
  • Issues with night sky orientation and viewing accuracy
  • Desire for more celestial objects and information
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Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.44
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Date Author Rating Comment
Alvan Vallejos
I love this, I love exploring through space, I love all the details in it! It is like Space engine but for mobile (I guess). But there is this problem I'm facing, whenever I get to Night Sky and using the default control (the one you have to control by moving your phone) is stuck facing the North and South, I will be glad if you guys fix it. Overall, this is a great app!
Pretty much exactly what I've been looking for. I can't tell you how many other orrery apps I've downloaded that I ended up deleting. The nice thing about this is you can see the inner planets even when the solar system is zoomed all the way out. Basically the orbital scale is accurate, but the planets have been enlarged for visibility. The only thing I would add is an option to toggle on the names for the constellations in the background, and the ability to type in year rather than scroll.
Lash Adam
This app is a brilliant gateway into the wonders of our solar system, perfectly satisfying my curiosity about space. It provides an awe-inspiring glimpse of how minuscule we are on a cosmic scale, making it not just an educational tool but a humbling experience. However, I find myself wishing for more. The inclusion of more planets, stars, and the thrilling possibility of exploring galaxies beyond our own would elevate this app to new heights.
Thomas N
Not as thorough as some similar apps but this has definitely grown on me. Its very effective for beginners but lacks the detail that, say, Star Chart had. Still the star map is fantastic & the soundtrack is terrific, easily the best I've heard for such apps. With a few more celestial additions & the option to zoom in closer to bodies this could be great. EDIT: for those looking for an exit button just hit back a couple of times & eventually an 'exit app' option pops up. Does for me.
Cosmic Enigma
Such a fun and useful app! Worth the $2.50 for some additional features and no ads. Can't wait to see how it evolves! Maybe planet surfaces, there's so much data on many of them it'd make it that much more immersive! . EDIT:After having this app for awhile, improvements to the view sky function such as the ability to use the viewfinder on the device to produce an overlay of the real-time positioning of components to show the user exactly what is where. +add social components for friends!
Wonderful! I am beyond fascinated with the graphics and realism of this app. I almost feel like I'm in space. It would be great if one could add light and really zoom in to see the details of the objects. The ability to see the colors of the gases and blackhole regions would be cool also. Please use this as base for a mission type RPG. That would be so awesome!
I love this app. It's a lot of fun to use, and it's nice to see an objective view of the planets relative locations from an external perspective, as this lets me rationalize what I see in the night sky. One issue though, the star view seems to be questionable. At least when viewing from my location, and with time set to always 12pm, it shows the sun dipping below the horizon in the winters, which it definitely never does at 40°N. Seeing this glaring error makes me question the rest of the data.
rami “Rami TheWest” mahdi
great app, my kids love navigation around the solar system. I have the paid version. I wish they add at least 4x zoom into each planet to see more surface details. Also for viewing setting, there is only realistic and large , I hope they create another middle view that is in between, where u have better idea of sizes differences but it still looks awesome like the "large" view.
wanDUH C
Wow!! This app Is amazing!! The details of everything. The graphics are beautiful! It really shows how small we as humans are in the entire universe and beyond! It's insane! What a great experience! Definitely recommending this app for the stargazers and space enthusiasts! You definitely will not be disappointed
Gavin Kennedy
This. This is a masterpiece... everything is great and I mean everything but here's the kicker. When you go to earth's surface it looks like a much of land and the graphics of earth when you go to look ant the sky it's. It's not just good but everything else is wonderful and I look forward to playing it more (and that the graphics are free). Bit besides that everything is fine
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