Cairo Festival City

The official Cairo Festival City application for Android smartphones and tablets

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 519)

Review summary

    • Lacks an interactive map for navigation within the mall
    • Useless for finding shops and dining options
    • Not user-friendly and difficult to navigate
    • Insufficient information about stores and restaurants
    • Frequent crashes and poor performance
    Most mentioned
    • The app is now considered useless after the recent update
    • Users miss the previous features like the interactive maps and store directory
    • General frustration with the user interface and overall design
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Cairo Festival City on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 4.19
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    90% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Mohammad Elsheimy
    Totally useless. Where's the map for navigation and parking tools?
    Ahmed “Aiki” Shams
    Useless application. Not user friendly and a waste of bandwidth and storage space
    Mohamed Abokol
    Very poor options for mall shops directory should be some sort of filtering and mall map and even a photo and description of the store
    Hatem Shawky
    The app became a nightmare, I can't find maps as it was before, there is no use of this app anymore
    Rasha Hammad
    Where is dining tab??? I used to search for restaurants now I can't!!! The application is useless without it
    Yacoub Yassin
    This used to be a useful app, helping me navigate in the mall. Now it's useless - just an about us website in the form of an app with too many features that are either useless or don't work.
    Mona Ali
    Very bad without adding the interactive map for the shops and floor
    Mostafa Sallam
    Very bad navigation for the stores... can't navigate by category and there is no map for the floors
    Sherif Galal
    Stupid app. As there is no map for the shops inside the mall for a quick access, so it is useless.
    Abdulaziz Allouzi
    The lasr update is Useless without interactive maps and shopping directory!!
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