
Let's make cool sweets that seems to be delicious only for you!

ひんやりスイーツデコレーション - Delicious and Fun!

ひんやりスイーツデコレーション(ゆめあるクッキングおままごと) is a delightful Android app where you can create and decorate your own sweets, including parfaits and smoothies. With easy-to-use controls, anyone can enjoy crafting delicious-looking treats and sharing them on 'Everyone's Plaza'. Perfect for fun at home with friends and family, this app provides an engaging cooking experience for kids and parents alike.

App stats

Downloads: 78,179
Version: 2.6.2 (Last updated: 2022-03-25)
Creation date: 2016-03-14
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

こんにちは私は本当にそれが大好きですそしてまたあなたはいくつかのahmmmを作ることができます some horror game? こんにちは私は本当にそれが大好きですそしてまたあなたはいくつかを作ることができます
by Angel Ruth Mae Tala, 2022-02-13
View all user reviews

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