XML Editor

XML Editor is a very simple XML editor, it can color the syntax nodes.

Total ratings

2.50 (Rating count: 418)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • It is the only XML app that works well among many others.
  • User-friendly once you understand how it works.
  • Code gets disarranged when pasted.
  • Frequent crashes or freezes.
  • Poor font colors make code difficult to read.
  • Inability to save XML files.
  • Fails to open valid XML files.
Most mentioned
  • Not working or has issues.
  • User interface problems.
  • Difficult to use for editing code.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.50
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70% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kodjo M
Is a Good App but i rate it two stars because when you paste a code there, it gets disarranged so you have rearranged it which is a little bit annoying. Especially when the code is so long. Please fix that.
A very good XML app ,Infact the only one that really works out of many others I have tested.One ought to spend more time to understand how it really works. A proper help page would have helped with its popularity. However sometimes I keep getting a message that it stopped working from Android,though it is working.Strange !
Shovo Talukder
Bad apps, not working, west of time
سيد منظور الحسن
Does edit but takes an hour to add or delete a word
This is so bad
Boishnobi Boraik
Worst app I don't want to say anything about this app Worst apo
ahmed salama
It may be a note, but can't be a compiler.
No 1 xml editor App.. 🙏 😍
obioma ifeanyi
Freezes before u can even edit
use apk editor when you use this idiots !
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