HTML Editor

HTML Editor is an easy HTML editor, it can color the syntax.

Total ratings

3.40 (Rating count: 1,389)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works on Android with existing files
  • Useful for web development
  • User-friendly interface
  • Cannot run HTML code within the app
  • Full of ads
  • Crashes frequently
  • Requires Adobe Air
  • Issues when saving to SD card
Most mentioned
  • Cannot run HTML code
  • Crashes frequently
  • Requires Adobe Air
See reviews for HTML Editor on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.40
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Rating filters

5 star
30% (6)
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10% (2)
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55% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mike Stand
Almost ALL of the OTHER "So Called HTML Editors" out there on here are NON FUNCTIONAL. But THIS one is one of the FEW, that ACTUALLY WORKS ON ANDROID with YOUR OWN EXISTING FILES! BIG "Bravo Zulu"!
Arnabi Maji
Its not downloading.
Ulrich Sprick on SY-LGV10B
Has problems when saving to SD card. Looks pre-alpha...
Thank You Girl
uday yadav
In this app you can write html code but this app isn't having a button for running the html code,although app's background,text color is available but it doesn't meet expectations as Text size is too small. Please provide a way to run html code in the application.
MuZh kai FF
This app is full of ads If I could I would given this app 0 stars
I hate this app it just crashes
Amar Sarkar.
Too bad. You can write but can't run it.
Mohd Ishtikhar
Worst me..
A Google user
I can't run my code
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