Builder Calculator - Concrete

Calculate Concrete, Strip Foundation, Bricks, Steel, Blocks, Slab, Column.

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 774)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly
  • Accurate calculations
  • Saves time in material estimation
  • Useful for a variety of building calculations
  • Inaccurate calculations in some categories
  • Lacks certain specific calculators (e.g., lbs to cubic meters)
  • Limited customer support
Most mentioned
  • Ease of use
  • Accuracy of calculations
  • Need for additional features or calculators
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ibrahim Abba Mohammed
Good app that helps make estimates easily. You can estimate the entire project with it. Keep your good work up
R G O 2 (BaelRathLian)
Incomplete but still a good app. Should have a calculator for lbs to cu3 also.
David Gonzalez
I like this app I am getting ready to build a metal building on a 6-inch concrete slab with footings. This takes all the guesswork out of how much concrete I'm going to need great apt I recommend this for homeowners.
Amith Taba
Sir, I gave 3 star because when I calculate the weight and cost of the steel Rod, it gives more weight and cost then the measurement and Cost of steel, why?
Very fast and easy to use! I advise you to always verify your work with manual calculations, okay?
Family Account
Don't use this APP! Measurement in different categories are incorrect. In "Blocks Wall Calculator" Category; if Wall Width=14 Foot, Wall Height=10 Foot, Wall Thickness= 6 Inch, Block with Mortar Size: Length=12 Inch, Width=6 Inch, Height=6 Inch, Price per Block=11 The Answer for the above data should be 280 Blocks, but in this APP the answer is 266.011 Blocks, which is incorrect. I 100% sure there are more calculation errors and mistakes in all APPs of Aink Studio. Besides, 0% customer care.😡
Mazhar Khan
Results can Share as pdf of jpg file.... And sends to whatsapp no... This is incredile for us... Hope app developer do it...
Bongani Moses
Very user friendly and accurate calculation Thanks to the developer
Very useful app for every day use, it eases life when it comes to building calculations.
chris pam
Great app. It saves time and provides accurate. Measurements.
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