Learn AI & ML with Python

Tutorials & lessons for AI & ML concepts. Learn with Python Programming

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 2,552)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Clear and concise teaching style
  • Good for introductory level learning
  • Engaging with exercises and quizzes
  • User-friendly interface
  • Potential to improve understanding of AI fundamentals
  • Misleading title and content focus (more on blockchain than AI & ML)
  • Issues with app glitches and progress resets
  • Inconsistent quality of content and grammar problems
  • Difficulties in obtaining certificates after course completion
  • Poor customer support experience
Most mentioned
  • False advertising regarding course content
  • Lack of practical Python coding lessons
  • Glitches and technical issues affecting user experience
  • High cost compared to quality received
  • Overall dissatisfaction with the content not meeting expectations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.63
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44% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mina Ibrahim
This a scam and does not teach anyone about AI but only blockchain stuff. DO NOT ENTERTAIN these or give them your money
Meghdip Senpai
Hi,this course teaches more of cryptocurrency and Blockchain rather than AI and ML It seems like a very misleading advertizement.thank you.
Travis Robert
I don't think I'd pay for this... It's glitchy. Completely reset my progress the other day where I had to do the same introduction courses again. Sometimes during the lessons it repeats the same sentence multiple times. Kind of vague and hard to understand at times, occasionally the tests have questions that weren't covered at all in the lesson. You can tell it was nearly completely generated by AI with minimal human oversight. AI doesn't have the best ability to teach humans.
Abhishek Sahoo
This doesn't show to learn ai ot shows to learn block chain crypto and all
Evariste Umba
I like it lecturing with exercise at the end
Kristian Goodchild
Good Blockchain stuff... Wanted python as advertised though really.. still... Sure
Rekha Rani
Great experience, informative and valuable.
mahesh wari
Well I rly like this app...happy that this teaches me a lot of useful things.I just got started n completed 2 topics... But the reason behind not giving a 5⭐ was I'm not satisfied with the info they teach...like I wanted the topics to be taught in a detailed way along wid adding other topics as well...overall that's what I felt... Will edit this once after I complete all the courses... But tho this app is dammn good... Good job 👍👏
Danielle Sahan
This is a scam. The content is about cryptocurrency and not ML and AI.
V Husain
Very simple to understand the lessons
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