
Publisher summary

Jaf9292 is an Android app publisher. Its Android apps have reached 1,687,185 users.

Websites: https://66590.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://67436.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66588.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66608.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66587.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66600.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66604.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66607.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://66602.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt ,https://94143.appads-txt.com/app-ads.txt , and 15 more.
Users: 1,687,185 (Average 48,205/app)
Emails: Ba*****@gmail.com,Ja*****@gmail.com,Bo*****@gmail.com
Rating: 4.67 (1,244)
Total published apps: 35

Published Android apps

35 results. Page 1 of 2.
خلفيات الامام علي عليه السلام
Application of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib wallpapers, peace be upon him
4.50 (465)
حكم واقوال الامام علي ع
An application that contains books about the rule and sayings of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, about the life of the world
4.60 (182)
خلفيات الامام الحسين - محرم
Application of Imam Hussein wallpapers, peace be upon him, in the month of Muharram
4.82 (254)
ملازم السادس ابتدائي
The application of the sixth primary lieutenant contains all the sixth grade lieutenants
5.00 (122)
تعليم الصلاة و الوضوء للشيعة
An application to teach ablution and prayer at the front Shiites
4.60 (159)
قصائد ولطميات شيعية مكتوبة
The application of written Shiite Husseini poems and syllables
0.00 (0)
لطميات وقصائد حسينية جديدة
Audios application that contains all Husseini poems
0.00 (0)
ملازم الثالث متوسط 2024
An application that contains the latest study materials for the third intermediate grade
0.00 (0)
كتب الثاني الابتدائي - العراق
An application that contains all the books of the second grade of primary school for Iraqi students
0.00 (0)
كتب الأول متوسط
The first intermediate books application contains all the first intermediate curricula
0.00 (0)
ملازم الاول متوسط 2024
An application that contains all the lieutenants for the first intermediate grade in Iraq
0.00 (0)
ابو الفضل العباس عليه السلام
Application of wallpapers and pictures of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon him
0.00 (0)
موسوعة الامام المهدي-سيد الصدر
Encyclopedia of Imam Mahdi, may God hasten his honorable reappearance by the martyred master Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr
5.00 (62)
Book Anatomy and physiology
book anatomy and physiology Contains all topics about human organs
0.00 (0)
قصائد و لطميات حسينية مكتوبة
A Shiite Husseini application that contains new and old Shiite poems and poems
0.00 (0)
سيرة الامام الحسين بن علي (ع)
An application that contains the biography and life of Imam Hussein bin Ali, peace be upon him
0.00 (0)
كتب الثاني متوسط
An application that contains all the second intermediate books for Iraqi students
0.00 (0)
ملازم الخامس ابتدائي
The fifth grade lieutenant application contains all the lieutenants
0.00 (0)
اسئلة وزارية السادس علمي
A ministerial questions application that contains all the ministerial questions for the sixth scientific grade
0.00 (0)
كلمات و أقوال الامام الحسين
Application of the book Words of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, Part One and Part Two
0.00 (0)
كتب الصف الرابع ابتدائي
An application that contains all the books of the fourth grade of primary school for Iraqi students, new edition
0.00 (0)
ملازم السادس علمي 2024
An application that contains all the necessary information for the sixth grade of science, with a modern version and several teachers
0.00 (0)
كتب الثالث ابتدائي
The Third Primary Books application contains all the books for third year primary students
0.00 (0)
لعبة عواصم دول العالم
Application, countries of the world, capitals, currencies, flags, ease of navigation, search, continents, Arab countries,
0.00 (0)
لعبة وصلة كرة القدم
Test your football knowledge through the football link game
0.00 (0)
35 results. Page 1 of 2.