Publisher summary
Tatbiqati is an Android app publisher. Its Android apps have reached 955,091 users.
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Total published apps: 65
Published Android apps
65 results. Page 1 of 3.
ترتيب الدوري المصري الممتاز
Egyptian League Standings - Nile League Follow a live broadcast of the results of the Egyptian League matches
ادعية العمرة كاملة مكتوبة
The application of supplications for Umrah, complete, written, contains supplications that are desirable in Umrah, to be read during Umrah
Saudi League : Live Scores
Saudi League Standings : Live Scores provides Saudi League matches and standing
ادعية رمضان 2025 : دعاء 30 يوم
Android application Ramadan supplications 2025 - Ramadan supplications 30 days provides daily Ramadan supplications
سورة الواقعة مكتوبة بخط كبير
Android application Surat Al-Waqi'ah written in large font and voice by browsing Surat Al-Waqi'ah and listening
تقويم ام القرى هجري وميلادي
Application of the Umm al-Qura Hijri and Gregorian calendar for the Hijri year 1446. Application of the Islamic calendar
دعاء الاستخارة مكتوب وطريقتها
The application of the written prayer of Istikharah: The method of praying Istikharah as mentioned in the Biography of the Prophet
خلفيات رمضان 2025 متحركة HD
Ramadan wallpapers 2025, an Android application that contains luxurious Ramadan wallpapers and animated Ramadan wallpapers.
ترتيب الدوري الاردني للمحترفين
Android application of the Jordanian Professional League standings to display the ranking of the Jordanian teams in the league
تهنئة المولد النبوي مولد النبي
The application of congratulating the Prophet's birthday, the birth of the Prophet, to congratulate the Prophet's birthday with pictures and words
Ramadan Kareem wishes 2024
ramadan kareem wishes 2024 is an android app provides you Ramadan wishes SMS
قصائد مدح الرسول شعر عن الرسول
The Android application displays excerpts from poems praising the Prophet, poetry about the Messenger
دراسة جدوى مشروع : نموذج pdf
Android application project feasibility study: a pdf form with a summary before starting your project
Husband birthday wishes
Nothing says I love you as one of the Husband birthday wishes
دعاء يوم الجمعه كتابه
Android application Friday prayer, his book contains new Friday prayers
أسئلة دينية : اختبر معلوماتك
Religious questions: Test your religious knowledge through a set of religious questions and religious information
Birthday Wishes For Father
Happy Birthday Wishes For Father App provides you birthday wishes for Dad
birthday wishes for mother
birthday wishes for mother app contains birthday wishes to mother and messages
تهنئة عيد ميلاد :صور عيد ميلاد
The 2024 Birthday Congratulations application provides images and messages of birthday congratulations to family and friends for free
معلومات عامة ثقافية حول العالم
Android application cultural general information around the world for general information
خلفيات و حالات دينيه كتابه
The application of Islamic wallpapers and religious cases, his book contains written and illustrated religious quotes
اذكار النوم مكتوبة وسورة الملك
Android application: Remembrances for sleep, written complete with Surah Al-Mulk, taken from the Sunnah of the Prophet
birthday brother wishes
birthday brother wishes app provides you large collection of birthday wishes
Surah Kahf reading and tilawat
The Android application offers Surah Kahf reading and tilawat
صور تهاني عيد الفطر المبارك
Application of pictures of Eid al-Fitr congratulations 2024 - pictures of Eid al-Fitr greetings
65 results. Page 1 of 3.