Excentus Corp.

Publisher summary

Excentus Corp. is an Android app publisher. Its Android apps have reached 130,533 users.

Websites: http://sprintfs.com/ ,https://www.rocketscp.com ,https://www.xfuelrewards.com/privacy
Users: 130,533 (Average 21,756/app)
Emails: mo*****@excentus.com,sp*****@sprintfs.com,Mo*****@excentus.com
Rating: 3.73 (455)
Total published apps: 6

Published Android apps

6 results. Page 1 of 1.
Pinnacle 365
Download Pinnacle 365 to save on fuel, drinks, food, and more with Peak Rewards.
3.37 (153)
Sprint Rewards
Get rewarded when you shop or fuel up at Sprint locations.
3.78 (110)
Chahta Rewards
Get rewarded when you shop at Choctaw Travel Plaza locations.
3.97 (113)
Rocket Rewards
Get rewarded when you shop at ROCKET FUELS locations.
4.04 (54)
Top-Off Rewards
Get rewarded when you shop at any participating Top-Off Rewards retailer!
3.62 (13)
Corner Pantry
Join Corner Pantry Rewards today to save on fuel, drinks, food, and more.
4.17 (12)
6 results. Page 1 of 1.