Arsany Academy
Publisher summary
Arsany Academy is an Android app publisher. Its Android apps have reached 803,686 users.
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Total published apps: 18
Published Android apps
18 results. Page 1 of 1.
اولى ثانوى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the first grade of secondary school, the Egyptian curriculum
اولى اعدادى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the first year of middle school, the Egyptian curriculum
تانية اعدادى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the second year of middle school, the Egyptian curriculum
تالتة اعدادى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the third year of middle school, the Egyptian curriculum
تانية ثانوى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the second year of secondary school, the Egyptian curriculum
تالتة ثانوى جميع المواد
An educational application to explain all subjects for the general secondary school, the Egyptian curriculum
تالتة اعدادى - رياضيات
Explanation, reviews, and exam models for mathematics for the third year of middle school
رياضيات الصف الثالث الثانوي
Explanation of the mathematics curriculum for the third secondary grade
كيمياء - تالتة ثانوى
Explanation, reviews, exam models, and notes for chemistry for the third year of secondary school
لغة عربية 3 ثانوى
Explanation of the Arabic language curriculum for the third secondary grade, the Egyptian curriculum
فيزياء - تالتة ثانوى
Explanation, reviews, exam models, and notes for physics for the third year of secondary school
انجليزى للصف الثالث الثانوى
Explanation, reviews, and exam models for the English language curriculum for the third year of secondary school
جغرافيا للصف الثالث الثانوى
Explanation, reviews, exam models, and notes for geography for the third year of secondary school
ارسانى اكاديمى
Preparatory and secondary, all subjects, the Egyptian curriculum
تالتة ثانوى احياء
Explanation, reviews, exam models, and notes for biology for the third year of secondary school
تاريخ تالتة ثانوى
Explanation, summaries, exam forms, and notes for the history curriculum for the third year of secondary school
فلسفة و منطق تالتة ثانوى
Explanation, reviews, exam models, and notes for the subject of philosophy and logic for high school
علم نفس واجتماع 3 ثانوى
Explanation, reviews, and exam models for psychology and sociology for high school
18 results. Page 1 of 1.