Publisher summary
朝日新聞社 is an Android app publisher. Its Android apps have reached 1,834,933 users.
Users: 1,834,933 (Average
Email: di*****@cus.asahi.com
Rating: 4.10
Total published apps: 2
Published Android apps
2 results. Page 1 of 1.
朝日新聞 - 国内外のニュースをいつでもどこでも
This is the official app of Asahi Shimbun. From social issues to familiar topics. We deliver reliable information from Japan and abroad. You can find a wide range of news, including not only articles published in print, but also serials only available in digital format.
This is an app exclusively for the Asahi Shimbun newspaper viewer, where you can read the news in the same layout as a newspaper. In addition to the morning and evening editions, we publish up to 90 days worth of local newspapers.
2 results. Page 1 of 1.