
Buyam helps you shop from verified and trusted vendors around you.

Total ratings

3.38 (Rating count: 203)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy navigation
  • Quick communication with vendors
  • Effective for purchasing items
  • Reliable and seamless experience
  • Sign-up and profile creation issues
  • Need for better categorization and organization
  • Lags and performance issues
  • Lack of options for selling digital products
  • Missing features like location-based searches
Most mentioned
  • Good app for buying and selling
  • Excellent user experience
  • Need for improved user interface and experience
  • Request for additional product categories
  • Problems with account creation and app performance
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.38
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55% (11)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jennifer Kang
So I just downloaded your app today and I am trying to sign up. I filled in my name, number and ticked the terms and Privacy policy but on signing up i am asked to enter my email if which I don't see where to.
Chia paul Kendong
Good App, just discovered it and was amazed. Looking forward to selling some of my cars there
Lexzy Paola
It's a must have App. Knowing the location of vendors and having their direct contact has helped alot. Got into Buea and needed some 48 spices. All I did was make a request on Buyam and the next 30 minutes I had my meal.
Alcatraz Rexus Reloaded
It's a great app but needs to be worked on. There's a lot of work to be done. Needs categorical arrangements and better interface. The app lags a lot.
Peter Mbile
My experience was great. I purchased a pair of shoes from Bamenda and received it the next day, no sweat at all!
TABENG derrick
I created an account and when i sellected sell on buyam and tried to create an account what i saw was 419 i didnt understand that. Ill love it if simeone can help me with that if not the app is a good one
Mbogni Kevin
What a nice app but just one thing, I would have love the creator to include an option that permits the users to upload their products.
I really appreciate this work,its wonderful my only advice is that we should stop using white people to publish our products..let's use the immediate consumers..U can't use a white baby why not look for a baby around to take a good pic of the product u want to sell..I would also advise we add a SPORTSWEAR CATEGORY I have products and know people too Thanks to Richard Zuckerberg I hit to know about this hoping to make my first purchase
Diyen Momjang
I love this. You search for what you want, then contact the seller directly with the click of a button.
Nasuh Emmanuel
It's actually good because one can find the prices of products without having to srtess and also it's reliable
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